Convos, Fro Yo, and the House Behind Us
Good morning y'all! My eyes opened this morning and the first thing I saw was Bella's beautiful face looking back at me. There are definitely worse ways to start the day!
This weekend has been quiet. We met up with Mallory and Hayden (Terry's daughter and grandson) for a chat at the local frozen yogurt shop. It was fun! We discussed our lives, our week, our worries, and what is in store for us in the near future. Always a good thing to let your loved ones know what is going on in your life. Of course, there is frozen yogurt! That's always a bonus!
During the past week, Terry and I heard from our landlord that the house we've been waiting for is going to be ready next week! I cannot stress how wonderful this is for us. So much more room! We have been living in a one-bedroom apartment that has provided us with a roof over our heads until the house is completely cleaned and fixed up. It's where we met. It's also where the love between us has blossomed into something soul deep.
But now, the new place will offer us a chance at new beginnings. A home where the added space will allow us to have family and friends visit. We will be able to set up our home office and the entire move will just break open an entirely new dynamic. Shopping for home furnishings and appliances will be coming soon. Terry moved from California about four years ago and when I met him, I moved to Roseburg from Eugene. He has had his eye on the house behind the apartment for a couple of those years.
Mallory is getting excited as well because we will be having family gatherings a lot more and she loves family. Of course, this also means purchasing a BBQ! Our summer will include having lots of family and friends over for barbeque dinners. I'm looking forward to baking and cooking like I used to do.
The house was built in the '50s but has been maintained very well. Work has gone into the place I can tell. I moved out of a home that was built in 1925 and wow! What a difference. Not in the years of wear and tear as much as the care received by the owners. The long porch will soon be filled with flowerpots, wind chimes, and other outdoor decor. I cannot wait! The side railing was just installed, and I don't think he is done with that yet. But it's all looking beautiful!
Yard decoration has even been provided by the landlord recently. He added a splash of color to make it perfect. I'll soon be adding my own touches as far as plants.
Little yellow marigolds were planted in these blocks to dress up the place a bit. Our landlord is awesome! He keeps his properties up, well managed, and nice for those renting them. The last owner and management company I had didn't care. One of his workers told me that he actually said, "If you can use duct tape, do it." And he did.
It's amazing to me that someone would purchase a home to rent and then never put any money into it. I do not understand it. My mother had a duplex in Tennessee, along with some other properties. She was renting to a husband-and-wife upstairs, while my sister was living in the downstairs apartment. One day my mother received a phone call from my sister, telling her she really ought to come by and check on the place upstairs. She thought she heard a chicken clucking and could not figure out where it was coming from.
Mom went to her rental to see what was going on. My mother is soft spoken and very sweet. She knocked on the front door, hoping to find the chicken was somewhere other than pecking around on her freshly varnished wood floors in the rental.
The tenant answered the door and realized it was mom right away. She actually looked quite happy to see mom's face and excitedly touched mom's arm and said, "Ms. Perry! I'm so glad to see you! My husband brought home a chicken and I can't get him to take it outside or sell it. Please help me!" Mom quietly asked her to get the chicken out of the house and to tell her husband if it isn't removed, she will have to evict them. It was reported that my sister never heard the chicken again.
I definitely see both sides of the equation when it comes to renting. Landlords/owners definitely have their hands full. But taking care of a home only makes sense, financially. The property will last longer, look better and can rent for a higher price.
I absolutely hate moving and so does Terry, but we are excited about the larger home. It will give us the much-needed space and will provide a playroom for the cats. Purchasing a cat tree and more toys to keep Kit entertained is the goal. Jasper, the chihuahua, doesn't care about playing as much as he does about laying his weary little body down on a bed and sleeping his day away. Bella is older, but knows that if she sees her people, she's fine.
There will be much celebration in the Macrae household when we get everything moved, put away, cleaned up and ready to begin our new life as husband and wife. We are both looking forward to the new adventure!
Ending the weekend will be watching some television tonight and spending time together. We do enjoy time chatting, laughing, and playing with the fur babies. Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend, a week that brings you happiness, and most of all, love. Fill your life with as much love as you can!
And so it begins ...
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