Kilts and Kicks in a Memory Photo Dump
This is memory photo dump number one. Nearly every day I take photos and sometimes Terry grabs his camera too. Here is where I am putting the ones I want to keep. I do hope you enjoy some of them at least.
Anniversary flowers for our 14th month anniversary. They are still hanging in there, but some are wilting.
Mist hovering throughout the hills in Roseburg. Taken on the way back from Winston, heading into Roseburg again.
Looking beyond the man-made traffic crap, the mist can be seen in another view. I was waiting at the red light when I snapped this, so sorry about all the man-made "crap" that is in this photo.
Many years ago my father purchased this church from the craftsman who created it. Mom wasn't sure who the man was or where they met each other, but this has been in the family for a very long time. It is made from matchsticks, popsicle sticks and some cloth, plus cardboard. I thought it was pretty cool with the intricate details. I never saw it as a child, so I'm uncertain as to where mom and dad kept it. Mom decided to ship it to me to keep it along with a few other family keepsakes.
The artist placed the matchsticks end-to-end to create the roof and sides of the church.
The little windows and doorway were left bare to allow views inside the church. Red carpet runs along the walkway, between the two sides of small pews. Tiny details make it pretty cool.
Excuse the mounds of dust and all of the cobwebs inside. The piece has been stored away for quite some time. I plan on getting in there with a duster of some type soon, but here you can see the red carpeting in the doorway and on through the church.
Like I said, the dust and hair and cobwebs are disgusting right now, but you can see the structure the artist took his time crafting. Pews line both sides of the church.
On the other end of the spectrum where the topic of churches lie, I found this sign at a small drive-in located in Roseburg. I wasn't sure if it was offensive or funny.
Our sweet little Evie or "meow-meow" as she was dubbed in the beginning of her appearance. Now I call her meow-meow and she comes running. She is such a sweetheart. I put some warm towels and rags in a box which she has made her home. We are still searching for her perfect, permanent indoor home. She deserves the best.
Today is the Highland Games Festival at Melrose Winery. Eugene's Bagpipe Band came to play to add the Scottish feel to the event. Row after row of booths filled with Scottish, Irish, and English style goods lined the outer edges of the venue. Booths boasting membership in family clans were found along the lineup as well.
Melrose Winery provided lighting above the tables in their courtyard. Lookingglass Brewery brought their brews to the event, creating a nice, relaxed place to be on a Saturday afternoon.
Kilts were seen everywhere. Men answered the call to challenges in the sports area, throwing small bales of hay up and over a set of posts. Eventually they will toss large logs and heavier items. Although we didn't remain long enough to see a lot of the heavy sports, I did add some photos others took to allow everyone to see what that particular day held.
All of this sportsmanship, booths, music, and food was part of the Celtic celebration in today's event. Candles, kilts, scarves, knives, jewelry, plants, shirts, and other sundries filled the booths. It was all exciting, fun, and awesome, and in such a beautiful setting.
An American flag blew in the wind, while clan flags joined it with each gust.
Several booths sold vests, kilts, and scarves.
Another booth had furs, scarves, and other items.
But this was my favorite. I wanted one for Terry, but they didn't have one in his size.
Beautiful gardens lined the pathways throughout the winery setting.
Mallory was caught mid run as she scrambled to get out of the picture.
The event was a nice place to be. We didn't stay long, however, because there weren't places to sit, really. Yes, there were tables such as these, but they were for the winery to serve wine and the brewery to serve brew.
We went through all of the booths and listened to a portion of the bagpipe songs being played by the band from Eugene. Afterward, we chose to leave. Terry purchased family crest items and I found one that was a crest for the Perry family, as in my maiden name and that was basically the end of the event for us.
Years ago my sister, Valerie went through some castles in Ireland. Lo and behold, there was the Perry family crest, hanging on a wall. It pleased her deeply to see the family name hanging there.
Terry located the Macrae family crest too. It was great to locate both among the many family representations that were there.
Practicing for the games they were about to compete in, while bagpipes played in the background.
Photo by Becca Pope Photography
Photo by Eventbrite
Photo by Oregon Festival and Events Association
We returned home with our family crests in hand. Mallory was wearing a necklace she picked out in a booth. As the day progressed, we were getting too warm. The sun was shining on us today, but we all dressed for a colder temperature, with cloudy skies being predicted in the weather app we carry. It surprised all three of us that the day turned out to be so warm.
Mal and I headed for the store, bought some dinner items, and shopped at a couple of the local vintage stores. It was fun. Lots of items I loved, but have no room for. Mal purchased an elephant as a gift to Terry and I to go with the giraffes we received from her Christmas of last year. Beautiful designs!
If you take a closer look at these artful pieces, the "paper" or material used to cover them are filled with animal patterns. Animals, such as this lioness can be found within the covering on the statues. There are zebras and lions and various animal sightings within the main design. We love these pieces!
We all decided to watch a show that Terry and I found to be interesting. World's Greatest Mysteries' first episode covered DB Cooper and the mysterious tale that had the nation's attention for many years. People today still search for the answers as to what could have happened to DB Cooper.
This episode was about a couple of people who went on a 50 year old search for any sign of his descent from the plane he skyjacked. New trajectories of his landing were thought to be possible and that's where they began the search.
Nothing. It was like watching the special show Geraldo Rivera hosted about the opening of Al Capone's vault so many years ago. The audience was held in suspense for an hour or two and then in the finale, nothing. Nada. No items found.
Familiar suspenseful moments captured our attention, but not even a sliver of one out of the four parachutes he had with him were found. A piece of cloth was located and taken in for examination, but nothing there either.
For anyone out there who is a DB Cooper fan, your secret is still safe and the possible chance that you may be the one to figure out where this man landed and ran off to is still up for grabs.
Tonight we watched one on the fascinating alien crash in 1947, or was it even a spacecraft that landed in Roswell? The event developed the rumors around Roswell and aliens that are still brought up in conversation today.
We watched with bated breath tonight and still don't know what happened, although we did find out the man who originally spotted all of the debris in his field kept a diary. He had written about all of it, but some writing at the end of the book didn't make sense and was written in print instead of cursive, begging the question, "Was this diary written by the same person?" His grandchildren still held that diary with all of his secrets. Then begins the deciphering of what he meant in the latter part where he doesn't make sense in terms of what he wrote. Was this code?
He was threatened to not say a word about any of this and was told to say it was a weather balloon instead of his original statement of it being some sort of ship that crashed. The night he found the silvery material in his field, he stopped by his house to show his wife and son. The material had the ability to repair itself when scrunched into a ball. It became smooth once more.
The diary was authenticated by a handwriting expert, as the journal appeared to possibly be written by two people. That idea was squashed when she found exact details in the way letters were formed in both cursive and the printed portions of the diary. At the end, the episode is a two-parter, leaving it all still unsolved. So, until next time ...
And so it is that it's time to part ways again, our favorite readers. Take care of yourselves and give yourself a bit of love that you give to others. Until the next post on A Psychic and a Poet Walk Into a Bar ...
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