Beautiful Days
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Well, the week is unfolding. We're on the home stretch. Today is our appointment to go to Eugene for another oil change at the dealership. Yes, we travel that one hour and 15 minutes to Eugene to get that done, as the dealership gives us free checkups, upgrades, and oil changes for the first 50,000 miles or somewhere around that number. We also received an "upgrade," meaning the computer system in the car was upgraded to "super star" or some title. Now as I press the GPS mapping system button and tell her where to go, she says, "Let's go" in a much softer, sexier voice. I am joking about the tonality, but she does tell me, "Let's go."
Once we completed all the check in steps, we were driven to my granddaughter's house by the Lyft courtesy van provided by the dealership. Off we went to spend our time with Jess and the girls, Zyrah and Novalee. Jess got a new puppy from the same litter her mother got her puppy. Plus, she does have her large dog, Rex. It's time to play! Babies and puppies galore!
We arrived and Jess was extremely busy cleaning the house and getting things ready to move this weekend. Their landlord is selling the home out from under them, so once again they are having to move. But while the work was taking place, great grandma had a chance to play with Zyrah and talk to Novalee, to see Rex and play with the new puppy. The puppy is adorable, by the way!
Zyrah and I played dress up for a while, but then the group of loves began to watch a favorite cartoon. Even the baby was into the show. Waffles, the new chihuahua and Pomeranian pup curled up alongside the baby to grab a quick nap. He sure loves Novalee.
Zyrah was watching her show with such focus.
Novalee, at two months old was also watching. The show seemed to keep them both occupied so Jess could get more packing and cleaning done.
Waffles kept a close eye out to ensure Novalee was doing well. Kisses were passed around.
Terry and I spent a couple of hours playing with the dogs and children. Pretty soon it was time to grab the Lyft and head back into the dealership. Our "baby" was finished and ready to go.
We decided we were both hungry, so bring on the food! After researching restaurants that sounded good, we set our sights and stomachs on the tried and true Olive Garden. Spaghetti sounded awesome and the garlic breadsticks? Who can say those are awful?
After a huge salad, zuppa Toscana soup, a plate of spaghetti and meatballs for each of us, and those beautiful little breadsticks, we were stuffed. Now it was time to head home.
We climbed into the Sportage and chatted as we drove home. Well, Terry rocked his seat backward and fell asleep while I was behind the wheel. He had not slept well the night before, so he deserved a good, "Oh, my belly is too full," type of nap.
Speaking of my sweet guy, we went to Fred Meyer the other day to buy Dawn's birthday gift. I mentioned that in the last post. However, what I didn't post was another adventure we had in a fast food restaurant. We seem to be popular in those places. 😏
Once we purchased the necklace at the jewelry store, Terry asked if I wanted to go out to Wendy's to get a burger. Yeah. A burger sounded great. We drove up the street a bit and Terry turned into the Burger King parking lot. I love both places, so I didn't care which it was, but I was wondering why Burger King when he had mentioned Wendy's. Didn't matter, as I said, but was a bit surprising.
We went into the establishment and I was the first to order. I grabbed a Whopper Jr., an order of onion rings, and of course a drink. Burger King has one of the soda machines that has sugar free Minute Maid drinks in it, so great choice there. Well, not health wise, but great tasting anyway.
Terry stood in front of the very young girl at the cash register, waiting to take his order. He chose a fish sandwich. Just the sandwich, not the meal. Whatever floats his boat, but my stomach curled. Anyway, fishy food choices aside, he wanted some chili to go with that fish sandwich, so he ordered a bowl of the hot stuff.
The girl looked at him with a very curious look on her face. She muttered, "We don't have chili."
Well, that was not good. No chili? Terry promptly replied, "Why not?"
Now I consider myself a fairly intelligent woman, but I have to say it took the brain a few moments to unravel what was happening. Was he joking? Was he serious? What was the confusion? Then my aging brain clicked. "Babe, this isn't Wendy's."
I looked behind Terry and the young man standing there had begun to laugh once he heard my statement, giving him some insight into what was going on. The young employee stood there, not knowing what to say. I don't think she knew she was working or that she was working at Burger King, so the look she gave was one of pure confusion. She didn't understand the Wendy's reference at all. That was apparent.
Sweet hubby Mac giggled at his own expense. Once I notified him it was not Wendy's, he definitely caught on to the faux pas. My first thought was one of, "Oh, my poor hubby. He thought we were at Wendy's. How embarrassing for him." Followed by a quick, "Blog post."
Terry knew the events of the day would end up here, as they always do. Poor guy can't wipe his nose without his gossiping wife posting it in the blog, although this time there were no photos or video. But hey, it's great to laugh at ourselves and to enjoy life. That's what Terry and I do or at least make an attempt to anyway. Sharing it with a few thousand people, hey, why not? Nothing private in our lives.
He got back at me this morning. We went to Wendy's to get a bite for lunch so I could get back to work. I asked for onion rings. Finding out this is not Burger King and they don't have any onion rings, I told Terry that he could tease me now too. You would think at our age we would know where we were or at least what food they served.
Until we screw something up again, please know that we love you guys for reading the blog. Thank you so much! And remember ...
Follow us. We've fallen and we can't get up.
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