Christmas Eve with Safari Animals


Barring the rain and the colder winter weather, Terry and I chose Christmas Eve day as the perfect day to take a run through Wildlife Safari in Winston Oregon again. We love the animals and want those magical, beautiful faces as close as we can get. Terry's phone camera does an amazing job of capturing those shots. 

We began by driving through a herd of zebra. They were on both sides of the road grazing, walking, and looking back at us. 

One of the favorites for me is the bison. Bison have such kind eyes and cute faces. I know they could probably stomp us down in a heartbeat, but I do love those eyes! Terry was able to snag a few pictures of the eyes and faces of the bison throughout the park. There were many babies wandering around with parents which actually surprised me a bit. We are headed into winter, and it was definitely the last thing I expected. 

With his remarkable spiraled antlers, the kudu was in good form today. He stood proud with his nose high in the air, watching over the rest of the herd consisting of does and fawns. 

This beautiful elephant took time out on this drizzly day to eat some hay and drink a bit. It was nice to see full tusks, as most elephants in captivity seem to have their tusks either missing or cut. Terry's camera was able to get a nice close up of his face to view the tusks. 

Driving through the park was a great adventure today! There were animals up and moving all over. Most of the time the days are hit and miss on whether or not there will be any creatures out and about. But today we saw everything except the bears of course, due to hibernation, and the rhinos. We had no idea where the rhinos were, but we have taken some good pictures of them before. 

One of the last places we pulled off the road to view animals was the fallow deer area. There were many of the deer grazing, taking care of the babies, and a couple of males who were rutting. Terry was able to catch a bit of the battle as it happened. 

This Christmas Eve day turned out better than I thought it would be, traveling through the safari park again. The air was crisp and cool. Animals were out in full view today, including the lions and lionesses. 

Once again, we have made it through the park and have shared photos with you. But Terry and I would like to say Happy Holidays, no matter your holiday preference and beliefs. We send love and peace to all,  


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