Vicki and Terry Go Wild


Rhino at Wildlife Safari
Yes, we traveled one more time to Wildlife Safari. Terry and I cannot seem to get enough of driving through the park and looking at wild animals. 

Since I've posted several posts about the park, I'm going to just post photos this time and let it ride. I hope you enjoy. 

Grazing ostrich

Close up of the beautiful zebra sitting close to the car

Tibetan yak stops to take a drink but looks to see what we're doing so close

An alpaca chose to lie on the road to soak up the sun

Terry captured this interesting close-up photo of the hippo in his mud bath. The hippos were enjoying what little sun hit the park today. They were both sleeping side-by-side, eyes closed. Terry caught this one with at least one eye barely open to see what all the traffic was about. 


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