The Man's Got Jokes and the Birds are Flirting
Blogger's log, transcriptionist's date May 26, 2023. It is a beautiful day today. Sun is out, air is calm. What better way to spend it than heading out to see the wild animals? I finished work early today. Terry came in and asked if I wanted to take a drive through Wildlife Safari in Winston again. Anyone who follows our blog knows that I would not say, "No thanks" to that question! Off we went.
The sun was bright. It was a high of 83 degrees today. Perfect weather for creatures grazing around the rolling hills of the Roseburg/Winston safari. Terry drove up to the gate, waiting patiently for the attendant to come to the window and check our pass. Terry purchased a couple of yearly passes to the safari because we share the commonality and love of photographing animals. Today was going to be a great day to drive through or so we had imagined. Sunny but not too hot to prevent the beasts from wanting to frolic through the grounds. Sunshine after a bout of rain helped the floral beauty along the path too. The iris blooms were in the spotlight, with the sun creating a "glow" on the purple colors of the display.
One of the first signs of the spring rebirth were the flocks of geese. Adults walked proudly with their babies from one side of the road to the other. There were so many groups that it was indicative that geese were definitely not an endangered species or at least this type of goose family. The babies ranged from very young to the older ones that looked to be several weeks old. Still adorable, no matter the age.
Traveling on, we saw camels hunkered down in the shade of a nice tree. It was warm today, but I would not have thought it too warm to remain in shady areas, but then again, I don't stand out in the sun all day to know. They had about three camels out for camel rides and there were a couple under the tree.
We saw some zebras grazing in the hills and the common eland roaming in unity with the zebras. Most were further out along the hills, making it difficult to get a good photo, although we have plenty of zebra and common eland pictures we have posted in the blog.
Traveling along the road, we interrupted a guanaco peeing. He was startled and backed up a bit, halting his urination plans for a moment. Once he figured we were not there to hurt him, he commenced the bathroom break. Poor guys can't even pee in peace around here. He stood there, staring at me as if to say, "Do I come into your home and interrupt your pee?"
He stood there for several moments while I was snapping photos, staring at me, chewing his cud. I watched him carefully, waiting for a good grass and spit spray to head toward my face. He was very close to the window I had rolled down to get good photos.
I spoke softly, begging him not to spray me. We had a short staring contest and I believe he won. I turned in my seat, rolled up the window, and counted my blessings that I was not covered in slime. Terry was giggling at the thought.
The guanaco is related to the llama and is a camelid native to South America. They are adorable! The ears are a bit different from their cousin the llama. Guanacos are one of the largest terrestrial mammals in South America and can live in areas at sea level or high upon mountain tops.
I always have to get photos of the rhinos at Wildlife Safari. These magnificent creatures are one of my favorites. I have had them come up to the car so close that there was a fearful feeling with thoughts of them ramming the car, flipping it over. There are several videos of that happening. The rhinos in the park could definitely pull that off with very little effort. They are huge and those horns are nothing to be ignored. I have a deep respect of them.
These beautiful animals are one of my favorites in the park.
Anyone who has read previous posts on this blog know that the park has three giraffes. One is two years of age; one is three and the last one is four. Terry and I spotted a fourth giraffe in the elephant/giraffe compound. We weren't sure if it was being held in the pen due to it being a new addition to the park or if there was another reason. But that would make four in the park now. I was excited as I love the giraffes.
Watching this guy or gal scratch that itch in one of the hardest places to reach made me wish for a long neck.
More of the common eland herd was on the hillside grazing. These animals are beautiful! I love the three stripes resting on their backs, flowing down into the ribs. They always have shiny coats. Beautiful babies!
Looking over the herd, this large man stood out among the rest. His coat looked weather beaten, his muscular build and height suggested this was an older bull. He was absolutely gorgeous! I wish he could talk because wow, the tales he could tell. With his enormous size and his muscular frame, he commanded respect. This guy seemed as though he was the herd elder, the one who had all the experience and knew how to take care of himself and the family members he had created. His presence could not go unnoticed.
Driving a bit further, we ran into all types of animals, waiting to receive food from any passerby who might have purchased a cup of their treats. The emus, small elands, and nilgai waited patiently for any bite sized morsel to fly out of a car or to be handed out to them as they peered in the window.
I had never seen a nilgai in the park before. Nilgai means "blue cow" and is the largest antelope of Asia. The nilgai is the sole member of the genus Boselaphus. I didn't know anything about them, so I had to come home and do what I love to do when I haven't got a clue about something ... I Googled the image and did research. I'm glad they added the nilgai to the mix of animals at the park. They are gorgeous!
Still in the feeding area of the park, where visitors can buy food to feed those animals that roam a designated section, the ostriches stretched their plumage out to capture the sun. This large one was throwing the wings upward and outward, allowing the body underneath a chance to receive sunlight.
Gravel crunched under our tires as we carefully moved along the road. Fallow deer timidly roamed between vehicles, pushing their small faces into car windows as if asking for those precious treats. Terry and I didn't purchase food, but we were greeted by those beautiful faces pushed into the car through the open window. One licked my hand as I chatted with him or her. I do love the fallow deer.
Moving on, we saw this large nilgai walking through the grassland to see what else he could feast on.
After walking a few more steps, he found the perfect grassy area to graze. There is nothing better to a deer-type animal than that luscious green grass that lies in front of the feeder. While there is hay stuffed in the feeders all the time, the green grass provides a tastier meal.
Driving even further, we came upon a traffic jam. I looked around a couple of cars in front of us and noticed there were several black crowned cranes, some emus and rheas all wandering throughout traffic. With each animal passing, they would look into the car windows, begging for food or would stand in front of the vehicle to see what that might achieve. Some cars began to pull up and around the birds with care in an attempt to move on. This lull in traffic movement gave me a chance to meet my new man. While Terry is sweet, kind, giving, loving, and adorable, can he do this?
This is Jimmy. Jimmy did everything he could to court me with his impressive moves and his singing voice. He came so close to the window, giving me a chance to snap some photos. His beautiful dance and song made me want to go home with him. I loved Jimmy, but Terry wasn't so impressed with the courtship. Sorry, my sweet man, but he is rather attractive. Well, if I were a black crowned crane at least. But Jimmy gave it his all and I have to say I was impressed.

After our safari, we headed to our favorite place, Arby's. It's on the way home and if you have read the blog, you know this is a restaurant that led way to a comical situation for us. We come to Arby's each time we finish our tour of the safari park. Terry ordered our food, but this time he delivered it to the right woman. My courtship with Jimmy could not have given me the delight of Arby's dining. My sweet man brings it to the table, that's for sure.
I waited patiently for Terry to return to our favorite table, table number two. If you have not followed the blog, the post "We Have the Meats" will enlighten you of the hilarious time we had in this eatery when we first met. Each time we visit Arby's, we can't help but say, "Here ya go, babe." At least my sweet man has not tried to serve other women since then.
Speaking of sweet, funny times, we left the restaurant after finishing our meal and came home to watch our favorite TV series, The Mentalist. A couple of episodes later, Terry got up to go put shorts on. It was getting warmer in the house and shorts were a great idea. But instead of donning shorts, the man came prancing out of the bedroom in his underwear and a t-shirt. I say "prancing" because he was attempting to do a striptease style dance, while telling me, "Come on baby. You know you want some of this." His hands ran up and down his waist, onto his legs and back again. The dance moves were the gyrating hips with his hands presenting his waist to me. Aw, my sweet guy was trying to outdo Jimmy. Back off ladies. He's all mine.
Terry spent a few moments strutting around the living room in an attempt to remind me just how sexy he is, as I lay face down on the couch, laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. He proceeded to follow the sexy dance up with, "I used to wear corrective underwear."
Now, hearing this, several things went through my mind. First, there is no such thing. Secondly, crap, but what if there are corrective underwear options out there that I'm not aware of? Will this mean I will laugh in his face and make fun of some defect he might have that I'm not aware of? Third, what the hell?
I simply could not hold it back any longer. I burst into laughter, hoping I did not offend him. He was laughing hard too. I told him about my thought process. Terry laughed even harder. His reply had me laughing so hard I could not catch my breath again, "I used to have square testicles. Now they're oblong." Oh, my God, what have I gotten myself into?
I jest, but I wouldn't trade these goofy moments with him for anything. I laugh every day with this man, and I do love to laugh. He has become my world, my soulmate, my beautiful, sweet man. I can't wait for next month to become his wife and he, my husband. I have only been married once in my life and that was when I was young. Attraction to the idea of marriage created that wedding. Now that I'm older, this marriage will be my last. The final love.
As I look back on my life, I do realize the people I had relationships with were for a reason. I learned with each passing involvement. But this one, this one I believe is for love. Companionship, yes. To enjoy the rest of my life in peace, love, and happiness. Besides, I've warned him the only way out of this marriage is in a body bag.
I would have taken a photo, but I don't care to have my guy shown publicly in his underwear and a t-shirt. But I know you all have great imagination and can fill in the blanks. What can I say? I adore this man. He makes me laugh, as we all should in life. Laughter is not only the best medicine, but it keeps the seriousness of life at bay. I love to laugh, and Terry gives me that gift every day. Life doesn't get much better.
(There were no animals, testicles, or fiancés harmed in the writing of this post.)
May we all realize our blessings.
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