Procrastinating Over the Thought of Procrastination


Hey, all! On the last episode of A Psychic and a Poet Walk Into a Bar ... I chatted endlessly about our less exciting week. Yep. A blog about nothing. Terry and I both laughed with each other about how we did nothing. Remember the procrastination comments and how that trait is very strong in me? Yeah, well, we didn't even finish the bookshelves I mentioned. Finish? Hell, we didn't even look over the instructions. Hey, at least I am willing to claim that personality flaw. That's the first step in the rehabilitation process, right? To admit the problem? Once I admit it, then comes doing something about it. But I procrastinate in doing something about it. So, one vicious circle. I am who I am. So is my sweet man. He is my people. 

I did, however, complete my boules for the week. I made two. The blog isn't to be discussing bread making, but it is a new hobby for me, so it gets mentioned quite a bit or if I'm 100% honest, mentioned a lot. I love the new hobby! Since the blog is about keeping memories alive for hubby Mac and myself, the bread does get discussed. I'll get tired of it all and procrastinate in making more soon, so it will end. Stay tuned ...

I made two heavenly boules this week. Wanting to try something new, I put sunflower seeds into one boule and in the second loaf I sprinkled some parsley, "Everything" seasoning and then added shredded Parmesan cheese. I scored it as Marina (daughter) mentioned and I added a couple of ice cubes to give it a lift. It all worked! Both loaves are amazing, but my favorite is the Parm, parsley, seasoned bread. The seasoning I'm talking about here is literally called "Everything but the Salt" seasoning. It was introduced to me on everything bagels many years ago. Loved the flavor! It's a mixture of herbs and various seasonings, sesame seeds and other ingredients that give your baked goods a wonderful flavor. 

This is the Parm loaf. The white stuff is flour that I dump into the banneton (proofing bowl) for the last rise. Beautiful designs with the banneton method. This loaf was scored. Last time I wanted to try the natural way of rising, without scoring the loaf. It came out pretty cool looking but didn't get the lift that is also wanted. 

A slice of the parsley, everything, Parm bread. So good!

From the sunflower loaf. Great height and texture. My favorite flavor is the other loaf. The best baked is this loaf. 

Nothing better on a chilly night than a slice of warm, homemade bread with butter. I'm quite proud of my little Seymour and his ability to produce such good bread. Seymour is my starter, of course. I birthed Seymour a few months ago and plan to keep him going full strength for many years to come. I might pass him on down through the family later in life. Now this might sound completely crazy and a little silly, but the starters that have been going for years are the best! Great flavor that has had a lot of time to build up, ferment, and give the baked goods that punch, that taste, that rise that makes them so good. 

Anyway, bread done. Check. This week looks like it may be another relaxing one. I am determined to begin the process of putting the shelves together, although I seem to procrastinate over procrastination. It's sad, really. I'm in that limbo state where I think about the project, know I need to complete it, but procrastinate even thinking about my procrastination on actually completing the task. There has to be a pill for that. Is it possible to procrastinate over thinking about procrastination? I do believe I have that illness or procrastinationitis, disease, mental illness or whatever you want to call it. But my sweet man loves me anyway, so that's a good thing. 

Speaking of sweet man, today is Tuesday, the 17th of the month. Why does that matter and how is the date connected with him? Well, it is our fourth month anniversary of course! He remembers each and every month on the 17th and I can't recall my own birthday most years. I'm an awful wife (hanging my head in shame). Once again, he came in after work with a beautiful smile and some flowers, followed up with the sweetest, "I love you, babe." 

I was loving the fall colors! They are so gorgeous! I am so blessed to have married Terry and I do hope I make him as happy as he says I do. I love you so much, sweet man. You are my soul. 

I left some stems a bit longer to have the flowers up high. This keeps the flowers apart a little more to give them room. Some of them have not opened up all the way yet. When they do, the space will be nice to see the full blooms. The bouquet is wonderful and so is my awesome husband. I am blessed. 


Loving the fall colors this week. Went to the store and some color peeked through the green of the firs. Beautiful color. Nothing standing out as trees on fire yet but still loving the muter coloration of fall. 

Even while they are not bright, bold colors, I still love them. This picture was taken during the rush of watching a traffic light. The light was red, and I took that moment to snap a photo of the juxtaposition of the autumn leaves against the green firs of Oregon. Gorgeous mix.  

Ugh. I ended up with a cold or some creepy crawly illness this weekend. Put a damper on my plan to procrastinate on cleaning house and putting together a bookshelf. See? It's always something to even put a halt on procrastinating the accomplishment of tasks. I couldn't care less about anything right now. My head is "buzzing", and my chest and throat are raw. The cold has also zapped all energy from my body. I am useless at this point.  

Terry is feeling well still and that pleases me. My body feels as though it is feverish, and I'm worried I will give it to him.  Although I have caught illnesses a few times since I met him, he never comes down with so much as a sniffle. Amazing. During my bout with COVID last year, he remained healthy. Nothing. Yes, he is vaccinated but he was kissing me, holding me, and comforting me while germs were everywhere in the small living quarters we were in at the time. His immune system battled germs off like a boss!

Well readers, it is Saturday, meaning the Ducks played Washington State today. Awesome game. Scared me in the beginning. They came onto the field and just didn't seem to be themselves. It was as if they didn't care. But then, later in the game, they woke up and tore it up! 

In the fourth quarter, Bucky Irving, born Mar'Keise "Bucky" Irving, our amazing running back and star of most games, was involved in a rough tackle. He went down, moved a leg about an inch and then nothing. My stomach flopped. As I have said before, at the end of the game, these are just young men or boys if you will. It's horrible to think of any of them being injured over our entertainment. 

Moments later he was helped to his feet, and he did walk off the field. It was good to see him standing on the sidelines with the rest of the team, showing his wonderful smile. I do hope it turns out to be nothing but him having his bell rung a bit maybe and even that is awful. When you mess with the head, neck and back area, it's not good. Anyway, kudos to him for an amazing display of play. It was the Bucky Irving show, for sure! Thanks to Bucky and the other teammates, Washington State went down. The Cougars traveled home; their roar quieted. They will be spitting out some feathers and swallowing a bit of pride pie on the way home. Good luck to the in their future endeavors. They played a great game actually. 

Other than the game, the weekend has been very quiet. Well, as quiet as it can be with a motorcycle club across the street who loves to set off homemade explosives and then giggle like children. We have reported it to the police twice now and all we hear are the sound of crickets in between more explosives set off on Friday night once again. I actually heard a sigh come from the last officer I spoke with. 

We don't mind it once in a while, but every single Friday night, four times at least. Not only do we all jump out of our skin, including all four of the animals, but it sets off alarms on cars too. We have many elderly in the neighborhood, pets, wildlife, and homeless in this area. It's not fair to those of us who have to live near the club. They have shown absolutely no consideration or respect for anyone else on the block. I guess they either pay the police to leave them alone or the police don't want to be bothered. Maybe they are afraid to go after them? Who knows. Maybe someone on the force has a family member in the club. Whatever the case is, this club seems to be running this town. It's ridiculous. 

Like I said before and above, I really don't mind once in a while. Every Friday night, one explosion after another, is getting very tiresome. I have found a casing from one explosive after they set it off last summer. They are large, black casings. Not professionally created. They are homemade bomb type explosives. Oregon does have pretty strict laws against fireworks, but it doesn't seem to matter in this town. I'm actually quite disappointed in all of it and the way in which it is handled, or should I say ignored? Truly disgusting that a group can get away with so much when there are so many who have to just put up with it. I always think of the battle against PTSD, frightened wildlife, and the fires that were fought against all this last summer. It was so dry around us that it was a big concern. But what can you do? Apparently, the local government doesn't give a shit, so why should we? 

After the game, Terry asked if I wanted to head to Arby's for dinner. Since I'm sick, he thought it might be a good idea to eat out to avoid me having to cook. I do call bullshit on some of it, however. I know he loves me and does care about me, but he saw a commercial on TV during the game that pictured a great looking Philly beefsteak sandwich with fries and a Coke. It also made my mouth water. That was when he suggested we eat out, so I don't have to cook. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he looks out for me. But let's get real, he's a growing man and wants a Philly beefsteak sammich. I can't say as I blame him. I'm now dreaming of a French dip sandwich and au jus. 

Speaking of food, I put Seymour into the refrigerator on Wednesday. Seymour has produced several sourdough boules for me and now he gets a vacation. Once your starter is strong and can hold its own, you can feed it and place it into the fridge where you don't have to feed it for a while. I did this because I wanted to take a small break in baking bread. I love to do it all, but we have two loaves to finish up before making any others. Yes, I can freeze them, but I believe they are much better fresh from the oven. 

A group of sourdough starter fanatics I joined a few weeks ago led me to the notion of actually baking a boule or two and being able to send it to friends via mail, believe it or not. I have not tried it yet, but I was considering making an attempt anyway. Some of the women and men are selling it online and shipping their baked goods out for others to enjoy. I'm not losing my mind over the idea, but I thought it was an interesting notion to at least share some of the baked items with friends and family. Hmm. We'll see. Maybe I'll try a couple of shipments to see how the boules fare along the traveled path to someone I know that would want to taste the bread. It will be a good experiment anyway. I will have to think through the packaging to ensure freshness. Will be testing this theory soon. I figure it will either work and my daughter in Eugene can enjoy a loaf of fresh sourdough bread or if it hardens on the way there, she'll have something to help keep her husband in line. Either way, it works. 

We received news from Mallory tonight. I guess she is planning on coming by tomorrow. We have not seen her for a few weeks, so the excitement is there. I love when they come by, however today I'm sick. I will have to remain hug-free and just hope for the best. I hate sharing sickness with others. Even if it is just a cold, children pick up germs from others at school already. Terry amazes me. I don't think the man can be sick! He thought he was sick one day when he received a flu shot and a shingles shot at the same time. Turns out it was just a reaction from the combo or reaction from one. Who knows? They change up the flu shot ever year, so it's difficult to tell for sure if it's a combination of ingredients that doesn't sit right or if it's both shots at one time. He felt much better the following day and for that, I was happy. He has been blessed through the time I have known him so far. 

Today will be resting, chatting with Mallory, making some beef stew and sourdough biscuits later for dinner. That's it. I know, the excitement in our lives is astounding and hard to keep up with but there you go. Hopefully you will join us again next weekend when we probably sit around the house even more. Until then, take care of yourselves! Count your blessings and love one another. Don't pass up that chance to say "I love you" to someone in your life. Another week of our lives comes to a close. Enjoy every moment you are given!



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