After Christmas Droops


Ah, another Christmas has come and gone and things are trying to get back to normal. I call this the "after Christmas droop" or just trying to regain a sense of normality following a holiday. 

Not only do we make an attempt to create a sense of normalcy, but the trash that invades our homes during these events is unnerving. I spent the other night breaking down boxes that all the gifts came in, picking up gift bags and shreds of what once was a beautifully wrapped package. My garbage can lid wouldn't even close fully and there is a bag sitting beside the can as well. The corrugated boxes are flat now and ready to be removed. I cannot believe how much garbage came from a household of two people, most created by the holiday. 

Terry had lost his phone a couple of days ago. He had me calling his number over and over again, to no avail. Each time he got into the car, the phone would connect to the Bluetooth in the vehicle. Terry would back up a bit to see what happened, but the phone would drop the connection. Figuring it was close or at least in Bluetooth range, he searched all around the grounds and dumpsters without any success. I tried the "find my phone" feature on a site, but that led to a "pending" stamp across the address. I never received a fully updated location. 

The entire process ended with sweet man having to go through our carrier to get another phone. Thankfully it was mostly covered under the insurance umbrella, but not without having to pay a $250 deductible. Note to self; do NOT lose your phone! So that happened. 

Last night my wonderful man came into the office and suggested we go out to eat. The local Red Robin Gourmet Burger restaurant was open, so off we went. Before we left, Terry used my phone to text Mallory to see if she wanted to go with us. We all went to Red Robin to eat our dinner. 

There were remnants of the Christmas season still up in full display, adding aesthetically pleasing ambiance to the night. Large ornaments and lots of wrapped "presents" lined the window sills. A Santa sat in his sleigh, donning a beautiful red and green plaid vest, surrounded by a couple of trees. The display was charming. 

Terry and I looked across the table at each other and smiled. While saying goodbye to another holiday season is a good thing, with all the tension and anxiety released from your mind and body, I am always sad to see it pass too. The bittersweet goodbye is not forever of course, but each year brings about different scenarios of memories and sentiments depending on how it all plays out. This year was a good one for the family. We all enjoyed each other's company and had plenty of laughs. 

Browsing the menu brought us to our choices for the evening. Mallory ordered a nice looking chicken plate while Terry and I both ordered an avo-cobb salad. I've eaten one of these before and do enjoy the combination of ingredients. 

Cheese, avocadoes, tomatoes, chicken, bacon, and pieces of bleu cheese on a bed of lettuces, carrots, and other greens is always good. But before eating our salads, we ordered a plate of Parmesan Brussels sprouts for an appetizer. Wow! Am I glad we did! So good! All three of us took a few, put them on our plates, and began to devour them. 

Roasted Brussels sprouts are the best, then add some Parmesan cheese and pepper. It becomes a mouthwatering basket full of goodness! Healthy goodness at that. My dietician would be proud. 

After dinner, we headed back to the peaceful setting of our home. Mallory came in to visit for a while before leaving and to get one more belly rub in on Togo, who of course lays down, spreads his legs open to allow the scratching process. He's game. 

He loves his "sister," Mallory and is always ready for her visits when they include the belly rubs. 

Once Mallory left, Togo assumed his typical position with his pot holder nearby. In fact, all the animals went into their relaxed modes. The Macrae household was back to its original setting, before the fanfare, before the lights, trees, gift wrapping, bows, and Christmas movies and all was right with the world. 

Jasper cuddled up into his cushy bed with all his fluffy blankies and the snoring began. 

Kitties were strewn about the recliner, on top of fluffy white and blue blankies. 

Sweet man and I took up our positions sitting side-by-side on the couch, watching another episode of our show. That is until Togo wanted to be scratched and Kit got in my face, demanding attention. 

Because in the Macrae household, you're not allowed to sit and do nothing. One hand has to pet Mister Kit Kat, the other has to pet Togo the husky, and Terry's hands need to pet Bella. Jasper climbs onto our chests and wags his tail while staring at us. We have no choice but to pet, adore, love, and admire. No ability to watch the show as they don't make good windows. The "Down in front" command does not seem to work well with our fur babies either. But time is short with pets, so it's worth every moment of having them in your face. 

Our shows ended, leaving us time to chat. We chose to make a turkey dinner for New Year's Day and have Mallory and Hayden over to enjoy dinner and maybe TV after all the football that comes on during that day. We chose turkey because we did have some turkey the other day for Christmas dinner, but there were no leftovers. Leftovers are often the best part of the meal. So, turkey on New Year's Day it is! Munching while watching TV is the way to go on holidays. 

At some point, we will have a Harry Potter marathon weekend. Mallory gave me the gift of an eight-pack of Harry Potter movies and they will be seen soon! I can't wait! Terry has only seen one. I have watching them all a long time ago, plus read the books. Hayden is involved in the books now, along with the movies too. Mallory is at the age where she grew up with the magic of the Harry Potter cast and their experiences. 

Well, readers, this is all that happened over Thursday and Friday. Boring? Yes. But it's more memories that needed to be recorded as they are. I had a dream, not in the Martin Luther King sense of having a dream. Nothing that special, noteworthy or elaborate, but it was so realistic to me. Makes me wonder why we have them come from the depths of our brains, making them so real, so memorable. Most dreams I do not recall later, but this is one that I do. But I will take note of that dream in the next post. Until then, please be safe, love yourselves and each other. 


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