Let Go of My Feta!
"Mister Kit Kat" Photo by Vicki Macrae (2022)
When we left off, Terry wanted to have a Greek salad for dinner one night. Now I love food, but typically I stay with the usual American dishes. I have been branching out to explore more ethnic foods or foods that I've never tried before and so far, so good. Terry has had me try Indian food and wow! Love curry and Tandoori chicken! We have tried several Chinese places, although I have had Chinese food many times in my life. We were trying out new places in town since our usual hangout had closed its doors. We were heartbroken and Chinese food has not been the same since.
The idea for the Greek salad craving came from a salad we had at Red Robin one night, where Terry mentioned a place in San Diego that he and Mallory had been to. There, he had the Greek salad often and I guess it was something memorable. Like I said, out of the realm of flapjacks and burgers, so I thought I would give it a try. I have to say, I now have another favorite salad!
With lettuce, tomatoes, English cucumber, onion slices, Kalamata olives, salt, pepper, and feta cheese, this salad was great tasting and yes, memorable. We also grabbed some Greek salad dressing to give that lucious bowl of veggies a coating of goodness. Another thing I had never tried was that dressing. I could see using that stuff on other things too!
We ate until we could eat no more. Filling, great tasting, and now I've tried something new again. I know a Greek salad is not unheard of. I know it's not some strange or unusual concept, as I see them on menus all the time. I know people eat them and now I know why, but it was just something I had never tried. My lineup for salads includes taco salad, chef salad, avo-cobb salad, fruit salad (Ambrosia), and sometimes crab salad. That's it. Don't judge.
My background has never included reaching out to authentic culinary options from other places or different foods that I had never tried. Well, now I'm on a roll. Since meeting Terry, I have also fallen in love with tortilla soup and my favorite, zuppa Toscana soup. While eating a Greek salad, I thought about Tuscana soup with it. Is it illegal to put a dish from Italy with something that is supposedly Greek? Those two would be great together. I guess my kitchen, my freaking rules!
So, today is Sunday. A typical day of cleaning house, doing some laundry, Crosswaving the floors (my new favorite thing to do besides cuddling with the hubby), and relaxing at the end of it all. Tomorrow? It's back to the grind. Maybe one of these days I'll begin to put the bookshelf together and surprise my husband. Yeah, that was my joke for the year. Yes, the bookshelf is still laying in the corner, unloved and unfinished. Let me rephrase that, we haven't touched the damn bookshelf since we purchased it, besides take it out of the box and spread the instructions, boards, and screws all over the place. Well, I did get tired of tripping over it and stubbing my toes, so I picked up the boards and leaned them against the wall. So, there ya go. Bookshelf done. Check.
After writing the last blog post about our goofy man, Togo, and the way he watches over each piece of food in his dish, he will choose to not eat sometimes. At all. That was scaring me when we first brought him home from the shelter, but apparently huskies are great at not overeating. If they do not burn enough calories during the day, they won't eat their food. Amazing.
So, after he checked out and sniffed every single piece in his dish, he didn't touch his food last night. He does this about once a week. But by God, I open a cheese bag in the kitchen and he's Togo on the spot! He's on that like flies on shit. Parks his happy, tail-wagging butt in the kitchen and begs like no other. Those beautiful blue eyes are hard to resist, but I don't feed him human food.
His latest trick to win my heart over is the "give me a kiss" command that he knows and when he feels like it, he will give that kiss. Yes, when he feels like it. Huskies are also known for their stubbornness. Doesn't feel like it? He won't. And whatcha gonna do about it?
But most of the time, I will say, "Can mom have a kiss?" and he leans into my face and licks my lips quickly. So just a peck. I told Terry he was doing it and now Terry receives kisses all the time. He is a daddy's boy. He does love Terry a lot. He watches him and pouts when Terry doesn't stop to say "hi" as he's leaving or going out to smoke a cigar. It's a cute bond.
Today is going to be a very boring day as far as having anything else to post here. I'm sorry to disappoint! I was writing the entire weekend in each post, but chose to break up the days so that we didn't give people a novel to read instead of a blog post. Yes, I'm a story teller and always have been. Once I get going, there is no end.
I was told in my college writing courses that it was a good thing since most people don't write enough. They do what is necessary to give them a pass on the assignment, but I would write. I love to write. There is something soothing about writing words and getting thoughts and feelings down on paper, so to speak. But, once again, I digress. See? This is why the posts are so long!
I do believe I will end the post here, wish you all a wonderful week, and let's meet here again next week! Until then, be kind to yourself and each other! Hug a lot. Laugh a lot. Love a lot. Don't forget to live!
"Lotus and Dragonfly," taken by Kaylie Rose, my granddaughter
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