Showering Babies Under Sunflower Umbrellas


Today we travel to Eugene to attend Jessee's sunflower themed baby shower! Family and friends will be in attendance, including one friend I haven't seen for two or three years. We are looking forward to it!

The weather report is calling for rain, but hopefully the travel will be good. Jess has a large backyard and one that was meant to be used often, but we will see if it will turn out to be a typical rainy Eugene day that will cancel those outdoor plans.  

Mallory arrived and we loaded up into our car to begin the drive. Rain sloshed from side to side, around and under the windshield wipers, but overall, the drive wasn't too bad. Dancing raindrops never stop a true Oregonian from doing what they wish to do!

We parked and headed into the house. As we entered, we were immediately surrounded by people moving around, chatting, laughing, and munching on wraps, cookies, cupcakes, fruit, chips and dips, and other munchies laid out in the kitchen. The table along the kitchen wall was filled with various baby shower games, including the clothespins everyone wears until they say the word, "baby." If the word baby is spoken by the party goer, the clothespin can be taken by the person getting them to say that particular word. 

Terry, Mallory, and I placed clothespins on our clothing. Cute game and all, but I'm never any good at it. With Dawn standing nearby, I asked why there were plastic naked babies laying around the table ... Yep. Within moments of putting the clothespin on my dress, I was busted saying the word. Well played Dawn. Well played. Every single year. 

Mallory was busy looking at all the dogs in the room. The kisses were flowing from the fur babies, as they were engulfed in massive amounts of attention. Now, if you read the blog on a regular basis, you all know Mallory grabs dog smooches as much as possible. However, she should never call them "babies" at a baby shower while playing the game. "Boom," within moments of arrival, she found a dog, smooched it, hugged it, and then called it a good baby. Her clothespin was stripped from her almost as quick as mine was. We both suck at the "baby" game. I think we would have made it further if beautiful fur babies and plastic naked babies had not been in the mix. 

Mallory gets another kiss from Tolsky, the Xolo (Mexican hairless) pup of Brandy and Dan's. 

Jessee and Zyrah were both wearing cute sunflower dresses to go with the theme of the party. They were adorable together! Then, Aunt Marina shows up also wearing sunflowers on her shirt. 

Jessee's other grandmother, Carol, had crocheted a large sunflower rug for the baby's room. 

It was soft, beautiful, and crafted by her grandmother, so it was a lovely gift. 

A friend of the family, Debbie, brought her traveling daughter's pup with her. It was great to see Chloe, the two year old Maltese. She was bouncing off the walls from being so happy to get all the love she was getting. 

Then of course, Brandy and Dan arrived with the naked guy, Tolsky the Xolo (pronounced Sholo), or Mexican hairless puppy. He is adorable and fit right in with the crowd. Jess and Brandon's dog is an Australian shepherd by the name of Rex. Rex is a beautiful boy, but spent most of his time outside with dad and the rest of the guys who were sitting around the fire. Terry was outside as well, enjoying conversation with Brandon's uncle. 

Mallory was in seventh heaven! Pups giving kisses and hugs is right up her alley. The puppies were happy and so was she! Actually, I joined with her in that sentiment. Chloe was so much fun and she was a bouncy little girl. I always love seeing Rex and Tolsky. It was a great time!

The kitchen was filled with food of every type. We had pickles, veggies and dip, pasta salad, wraps, chips, dips, cookies, and cupcakes galore. Everyone grabbed and snacked when they chose to. The cookie box remained closed until the name of the new baby was announced. Last I heard, it was supposed to be Zaelin, to fit alongside Zyrah, but the parents chose a different name. That name was to be announced during the shower. I couldn't wait. 

Waiting on the moment to unwrap gifts, daughters Shar and Marina chatted about good times and watched the activities taking place around them. 

My beautiful pregnant granddaughter sat in the corner of the couch, playing with her daughter and entertaining guests. 

Daughters Mallory and Brandy listened to conversations taking place around the room. 

Jess asked Zyrah to help open gifts for her unborn sister. We all laughed as we watched her open various toys, blankets, clothes, and other baby items, as she began to think they were for her. I don't think she understood what was happening and that all the gifts were revolving around her new baby sister. But she was involved in the process and she was having a blast opening presents. It's a good thing. 

Marina and Daniel were spending time in conversation too. The little girl was the child of Jessee's friend. 

Gifts strewn from one end to the other, the new mom-to-be was exhausted. Dogs licked up what crumbs were lying around the front room. Guests sat and looked at all the baby items. Jess and Brandon received many nice things to help begin their beautiful daughter's life after she is born. But what was her name? 

Suddenly, Dawn appeared out of the kitchen, carrying something all rolled up. She said, "Okay, is everyone ready to see the name of the baby?" I know I was ready!

Dawn had ordered a special gift for Jess and the newborn. The gift would also announce the name to the rest of us left in the dark as to what the baby would be called ...

Dawn stretched her arms wide, unraveling the scroll type item in her hand. I saw gorgeous sunflowers and then my great granddaughter's name was revealed ... 

It was a nice blanket, with Novalee Grace scrawled across the center. It was beautiful. I love the name "Grace" as a middle name and Novalee is unique. I like "unique." This made me happy. Not that my feelings mattered, but I believe the name is perfect. Great choice!

The cookie box in the kitchen was closed until the reveal of the name took place. The perfectly designed edibles boasted the name of the newborn.  

The cupcakes were designed by the same bakery, in the theme of the party.  

Everything was coming up sunflowers! The name, Novalee was everywhere now too! It was all pretty and classy. I love the name the more I see it and mentally speak it. Sunflowers have always been Jessee's "thing," along with cows, and especially the highland cows that are so popular now. The party was fun and provided all of us a chance to celebrate a new family member, a new life, and our Jess. 

Brandy (left), Daniel, Marina, Dawn

Shar or Tasharra as she was named at birth

Mallory (left), Brandy

Seeing all of my gorgeous "babies" sitting around the living room was special. Mallory, Brandy, Marina, Dawn, and Shar were little once too, and the shower really brought back some memories of when they were little. Now, they're older and sassy, beautiful and loving. Life has moved along far too quickly! My babies aren't babies any more. 

I have been around Shar since she was six years of age. While the technical term for her familial place in my life is "stepdaughter," I have always called her, and still do refer to her as, my beautiful daughter. 

Mallory is Terry's daughter, who lost her mother about 11 years ago. She calls me her "other mother" and I call her my daughter. She helped the girls and I celebrate Mother's Day last year and I would have it no other way. As far as I am concerned, they are all my children. That will never change. 

I will call them my daughters until the day I leave this earth. To me, being "mom" means more than bearing the children who call you "mom." Children mean so much more than having your blood flow through their veins. The love they share with you and you with them binds you into a family status, blood being the same or not. I hold each of them tightly near and dear to my heart, without any other title besides "daughter." I love them all. 

Now we've moved on to grandchildren and great grandchildren. The circle of life is special, but every moment ... No, every second of life should be grasped with both hands and taken in. Breathe and live in the moment so you miss nothing in your life and especially in terms of watching those beautiful children grow into their own.  

I recall a time wishing my children would hurry and get bigger so that I could take them more places and share more of the big world with them easier than I could when they were lying in baby carriers or cribs and could care less about the world around them. As long as warmth, love, and food was available, they were happy. Shame on me. I wasn't living in that moment and loving things just the way they were. 

Yes, I adored my children at that age. I would have given my life for them if need be. But I was trying to rush things to be able to enjoy their older age in order to make things easier in terms of taking them places and also an age when they could enjoy places I took them. Not the way to live life, for sure. Or at least not the way to fully enjoy each moment, each blessing we are given. That is a regret I have. 

I do not regret that they have grown into the wonderful, strong women they are, but the idea that I was trying to rush things is beyond regret. I miss those times now of each of them being so tiny. The times they all walked while holding my hand to prevent falls in their first attempts at standing and moving upright. Those cuddles and kisses, blowing air onto their stomachs to make them laugh. Nothing is more euphonious than a child's laughter. 

All in the past now. I know at this moment in time, that I should have enjoyed those moments in time a little deeper. Embedded them into my soul just a bit more before wanting those tiny beings to grow into small adults so I could take them into the world. Our time together should have been all that mattered.  

Now they are grown and have children of their own. Watching my great granddaughter grow and knowing there is another little girl on the way, plus my other granddaughter-in-law, with two girls already enjoying life, with another one on the way is certainly special. Their laughter, their smiles are unbeatable. This is the meaning of life. The beginning of life. 

Diaper cake made by my granddaughter-in-law, Delaney Hecker

But here is to the new generation, in hopes they will enjoy the special moments right in front of them. Don't waste a minute of your own life, no matter the stage you are in. Be present. Live in the moment. The past is the past. The future is not here yet. But the present is magical and right in front of all of us. I want nothing but the best for our family future generations, so enjoy your life in the now! 

Until our next blog post, take care of yourselves. Live in the moment. Enjoy each breath, every second of every day. Here's to new life, spring, family, and friends. May it all surround you with love, life, light, and joy. 


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