Green Grasses and Guanaco Visits

We impatiently await the days the water droplets are created by spray from the hose and not rain falling from the sky. Each morning I let Jasper out the front door to mark his territory, I'm always greeted with the glorious explosion of roses on the climbing rose bush. 

Each limb is drooping from the weight of all the blossoms, bringing on the  promise of warmer weather in the near future. I have yet to take a photo from the front of the shrubbery, but even a side view displays all of the lovely blossoms well enough. 

Terry and I are looking into the addition of a few planters for our front deck. The wooden deck allows us a large area for garden choices, such as an herb garden. There are several raised garden bed containers that would not only make the task of gardening easier, but would also keep moisture off the wooden slats so there is no mold or rot. 

I can definitely see this as a planter that makes sense for growing an herb garden. Having a collection of fresh herbs would make me happy, as I love to add herbal flavors in all of my dishes and even in breads. So far, this raised garden bed seems like a great choice. 

I have it planned to slowly add to the planters on the porch, including some small fir trees and other plants, to eventually turn the area into a relaxing place to sit. I'm dreaming of a small table with chairs in the midst of a floral dream to enhance the appearance of the front porch area and give us a relaxation heaven. It's a moral imperative that this happens. 

Sorry about the risqué mug. My hubby thought it was funny, as did I, and he bought it for me last year. Our silliness has no boundaries. There was no hot chocolate harmed in drinking from this mug, but I have blown my image of being Pollyanna. I do believe Pollyanna just lifted her dress to show her frilly under garments. Without shame too. 

Wednesday rolled around as it tends to do. I was working hard this week, taking on longer files. This is what I'm used to, but taking on files of this length also means I have to take breaks more often, as I cannot stay comfortable on the couch with my foot raised. A contortionist I am not.

 Periods of depression have hit me while I await the ability to return to my desk, in the office, where work will feel normal once again. I cannot wait to return to my normal life, without a cast, without a boot, without wheelchairs and walkers. But, until then, it is what it is. 

Anyway, back to the day. Wednesday was a work day, for sure, but Terry decided he wanted to take us out to eat that evening. I closed my laptop down around 6:00 and off we went to Hacienda Vieja, one of our favorite places to dine. 

As usual, we began the meal with chips and homemade salsa. 

Tonight's meal was a taco, enchilada, and a tamale, with refried beans and of course, the traditional Spanish rice alongside the entire combo meal. We both ordered the same mix of entrees tonight and as always, it was great! Fortunately and unfortunately, no stretchy cheese was involved in our dining experience, leaving out another photo shoot for the blog. I love catching Terry in the midst of fighting a long, stretchy piece of cheese while eating. Happens quite often. I can't take him anywhere. 

After dinner, our night consisted of a trip to Walmart. Why? To grab some munchies and the makings for a few nights of dinner choices. I'm getting the hang of the electric carts, and Terry has learned to move out of my path quickly. We are getting better as a team when it comes to shopping with the motorized monstrosities. 

Terry introduced me to the horn the cart has on board. It's annoying and sounds like the reverse alert. I didn't use it much. I prefer the "spin the clown" way of driving instead. In that game, you collect 10 points for anyone hit and 30 for stopping abruptly to catch a shopper coming up from the rear and walking into the cart. Lovely attitude, I know. 

So, Wednesday passed, as did Thursday, without a hitch. Nothing much happened, although I did get a lot of work done this week. I impressed myself. 

Terry had some issues the past couple of days, including his debit card being shut down and a new one sent. He has been given a heart monitor to check his heart rate since the sinus rhythm is joined by bigeminy and trigemini beats lately. The inclusion of the extra heartbeat is nothing to really freak out over, if you remain in the asymptomatic stage. Terry's heart is being tested to see if there is something to worry about or if the extra beats need to be treated. 

In the attempt to put the heart monitor on, he ran into some issues. He went through the application instructions step by step, ensuring everything was being done correctly. While working with the monitor, he ran into a QR code on the face of the apparatus. Terry followed the QR scan code as you do, only to find the entire project was messed up now, because it led him to an ad. Yes, an ad that took his card and ID before he realized what was happening. Really? On a heart monitor? 

Of course, he called immediately. The entire process left him with a cancelled card and having to wait for a new one to be shipped. Let's say his heart rate had risen like a bird, shooting as high as possible. Now, I'm not a doctor, but the event caused his heart rate and I'm sure blood pressure to move into high levels. To me, this is a big "duh" for the manufacturers. 

Why on earth would you put someone having to use a heart monitor for their health through the crap that an ad can cause, especially when it leads to cancelling their card? Now he is left without a debit card for the next couple of days and still no heart monitor to use until this gets sorted out. Smart move, idiots. Smart move. At least his heart was able to withstand the anger during this time. Good way to test the strength of your heart, I guess. After all of this annoying stuff, the monitor wasn't working properly either. They have to ship him a new one. Good times. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Waking at around 8, I walked into the bathroom. Upon return, the husband is gone, but I have this in his place:

Don't make any sudden moves. The killer Siberian husky is typically found in this position, but is not usually allowed on the human's bed. Removal of said vicious animal can create chaos and hair loss. The dog's hair, not yours. Notice the long fur rubbing off into the blankets and the "I'm innocent" look. Yeah. So then there's that.

Of course this called for me climbing up on the bed with the big dufus to give him kisses and hugs. But this required some swimming through the dropped magical fibers of love (dog hair) accumulating under my nose. It's always fun to bury your face into a husky's coat. I love him, but this led to sneezing for quite some time, and pulling hair from my tongue. Lovely. Good morning to me. I'll drink it all down with some tea. Cheers!

Well, it's still early in the day and we have done nothing, really. Nothing of any importance anyway. Discussion has been had of taking Mallory and heading out to take a ride to somewhere, just to get out and fill the day with some sort of scenery other than hairy dog butts laying on the couch or walls needing to be cleaned. I guess that's the plan for now. We will see what comes to fruition later in the day. 
Our little group of three chose to drive through the VA cemetery to locate any deer roaming the grounds. Once again, there were none to be found. Well, that was boring. 

Our second selection was to visit Terry's new best friend, Raza the giraffe. So off we went into the wild. Quite literally. 

As I've mentioned many times in the blog, Mallory also loves animals. This was the perfect choice of activities for the day, considering all the love for anything that slithers, flies, roams, walks, or gallops on this rock we call home. Well, "slither" in my case might be a stretch in terms of the word, "love," but I try. Even without the love of snakes or anything reptilian, I had an amazing day, as did Terry and Mallory. 

Safari views began with two lionesses taking a nap in the grass. Horrible angle, yes, and with the fence the photo isn't great, but I just had to snap it. It's all good. Even with the butts mostly in view, we know what they are. Mallory rolled down the window and called for them. One at a time, they lifted their beautiful faces and gave us a nasty look, then the head went back down and the nap continued, however even as adorable as it was, the camera was not ready. Hey, you snooze, you lose. 

We found the lions in another section and while we could see the coloring of the fierce beasts, they, too were out cold in tall grass, and lying completely on the other side of the grounds so we couldn't see their bodies as well as we would have liked. From what I see mostly in the males of this species, the nap is an important part of their day. There is no arousing them for much of anything, including viewings. 

Next up? Raza, the giraffe. Terry and Raza made a strong connection the last visit we made to Wildlife Safari for Terry's birthday. After that trip through the park, we will forever look for our new friend as we travel through each time now.

Raza was with another giraffe named Jack. The other two giraffes are kept together, while Jack and Raza are kept apart for the purpose of breeding the other two. They are at least attempting to breed the others, as their genetic make up is the best of the three boys with the one female. This leaves Jack and Raza together for the time being. As we arrived, we saw Jack first. Jack is a dark colored or Masai giraffe. His face is very dark. From what research I found, Jack seems to fall into the Masai category. 

Masai giraffes are darker than the other three species. Jagged-edged patches on their coats are separated by irregular, creamy brown lines that continue down below the knee. Clusters of Masai giraffe are scattered throughout parts of Zambia, Tanzania, and Kenya.
(Resource: African Wildlife Foundation). 

We came upon a giraffe laying in the grass, enjoying his best life. It looked like Raza and we assumed it was due to the most identifiable one in Jack's coloring being outside of the run with this giraffe. 

Terry grabbed his phone and caught some amazing pictures (and even a video) of Raza or who we believed to be Raza. 

This video was taken by Terry Macrae, 5/3/2024

Moving forward into the Africa region of the park, we found one of my favorites in the zebra. Oh, who am I kidding? I love the butterflies fluttering around the flowers growing throughout the grass. 

Here is the rest of our visit, describe mostly through pictures.








Next up was the guanaco. I am in love with these adorable alpaca-llama-looking creatures. Their expressions make them another pet I would love to own. 
The guanaco is a camelid native to South America, closely related to the llama. Guanacos are one of two wild South American camelids; the other species is the vicuña, which lives at higher elevations.
(Source: Wikipedia)





(Guanaco video filmed by Terry Macrae 5/3/2024)


A monkey area was set up by the park as a newer enhancement to the monkeys in the park. They seem to love it, as I've watched them swinging from the horizontal wood bars and finding other enjoyment in the surrounding ground.   



Fallow deer enjoying the pasture. 




Tibetan yak. Terry said they're boring because all they do is yak, yak, yak. My man's got jokes. 


Heading into the village. 


In four days, this baby and his brother will be one year old!


Mr. Cougar enjoying his day, while watching all the people watching him, both human and cat with inquisitive looks on their faces. 


Our trip through the safari park was done. I limped my way back to the car, with Mallory and Terry's help, and off we went to Arby's, where "We Have the Meats" came about. This eatery was home to one of the most hilarious moments Terry and I experienced together. We still laugh about that day each time we visit Arby's, and the phrase, "Here ya go, babe," is an essential part of our daily lexicon.  

We ate and came home, without further ado. Mallory and I immediately began to chat about the day. Terry went outside to smoke a cigar and relax. I baked a sugar free chocolate cake while my daughter turned on the television to begin a show a show. Once done, we shared cake and then she headed home to see her son and grandmother. 

Great day! Very full day, but one filled with laughter and love. We hope you are having an amazingly fun week, full of love and laughs too. Nothing is better than a good giggle to start the day or end the day. 

More to come for the weekend, as we have the ALS walk on Sunday. The walk means a gathering of people in Alton Baker Park in Eugene. Plenty of laughs, love shared, and of course, blog post shoots. 

(Photo by Jessee Ricker. "Zyrah Dawn Ricker"

Take care and enjoy the weekend!



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