In the High Grasses of Nature


(Photo of a crowned heron at Wildlife Safari, taken by Terry Macrae)

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The kiddies are all back in school, leaving parents a bit of time to clean and have some peace of mind. I remember my children being in school again. I was definitely able to get more done during the day in terms of housework, shopping for groceries, and taking care of errands. It was a good time in life. 

Mallory was able to come by yesterday for a while anyway. We had not seen her on a regular basis like we usually did before this past couple of weeks. Her aunt had some medical issues that were fairly serious and she jumped right in to help out with care as is her nature to do so. Our girl time was interrupted, but I knew why. I would rather have her helping others out when she can rather than worrying about the lack of our girlie visits together. Yes, I miss them, but like I said, I know why she hasn't been coming over. If I were in her shoes, I would do the same thing. 

But Hayden is back in school and Mallory found a small window of time to visit. We were both happy to see her again. Terry, Mallory, and I spent time watching a show we paused until we were together again. The show is on the History Channel and is called History's Greatest Mysteries. We had to stop after one episode about the Roswell crash of 1947. Intriguing story. After the original episode, Mallory left and then her world fell apart, keeping us from watching the second episode until yesterday. Awesome to see her again!

We are pulling out of a heat wave again, with the high being 105 on Thursday, 102 on Friday. Today there is a predicted high of 87, which in my book is still hot, but much better. That's like the difference between us being ants under a magnifying glass with the sun shooting beams through the glass and melting us in one fell swoop or just being bugs under the heat of the sun. Big difference. Next up, rain. Gotta love Oregon weather. 

So Thursday night, Terry wanted to take me out to eat. We went to Thai one on again, in our Thai heaven, Thai Seven. Of course we had dinner, but who cares? The ultimate of desserts still had to be ordered and eaten. It's somebody's job and we are the ones to do it. Awesome, wonderful, delicious, sweet coconut sauce covered sticky rice with a beautiful, tasty mango sitting on top. Heaven. This is heaven. 

Yum. Once again, the warm sticky rice patty covered in coconut sauce and the lovely, sweet mango. Oh, my heart, be still. We chowed that down without wasting time. Seriously, if you ever have a chance to go to a Thai restaurant and have this for your dessert, try it. I don't think you will be disappointed. 


Since today is Saturday, I planned to work all day. That, however, didn't happen. The best made plans ...

It was very quiet and no calls coming in this morning. I shut the app down and went in to begin some dishes. Not fun, but it will work. Since I typically have drinks with food to deliver to people, Terry and I went to find a drink carrier today. We found our desired item at Michael's craft shop in Roseburg. They were only $4.99 per tray, but well worth it. I have had ice cream from Blizzards ordered from Dairy Queen to soda on ice drip onto my car seat or drink holders in the car. Not happening. 

We purchased two of them and hopefully that will alleviate the spillage in that car. We'll see how that helps. 

Taking Togo for a walk today and I brought my phone to see what trouble I could find to get into. Not much trouble out there, but I did locate some different details of nature on today's walk. 

Love small flowering weeds along my journey. I guess we could call them weeds, but some would see them as flowers, as I do. The white "dots" on the leaves are interesting. Not sure if that's the design nature gave them, or they could be eggs that a bug laid. Who knows? 

Lovely white flowers with a tinge of purple create a beautiful, delicate piece of art by nature. 

All of the white flower portions of this large plant have turned inward, while drying the seeds to release into the wild, making more plants next year. I think they are pretty cool looking. Yes, weeds, but still a great design by nature. 

Here are some of the same flowers that have recently bloomed for all to see. Soon they will turn inward as well, leaving their seeds exposed for the wind to deliver them to other places to begin life again. All the white flowers remind me of a snowflake. Each different in their own right, yet the same overall. 

Yes, I know. Boring stuff today. I'm going to go to work now to give myself something to do. My mind turns to oatmeal if I don't keep myself busy in some manner of focus. 

I did a bit of work and then came home to make some Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza, grapes, chips and dips, and then having yellow cake with chocolate frosting (sugar free cake and frosting), along with a scoop of chocolate ice cream. It was all very good. 

The game ... ugh, the game. It was an up and down situation. Dillon, the quarterback, really did not do much better today from last week's game. Although the stats that came out of that game were pretty stunning. Who knew? 

Today Dillon began just passing a little way up the field, but as time went on, he broke through with some actual passes down field. Then the Ducks kicked it in gear. It may have been a strange game, but at one point I saw the old Ducks' team. A punt, caught, and running it up the field in between the goal posts. I almost cried, it was such an amazing, familiar sight. Were the old Ducks returning? 

Boise State ran a touchdown following that, then back to the Ducks. Once again, they flew into the zone and drew another score. Awesome! The game bounced back and forth. It was an interesting, nail biting game for sure, but in the end, the Duck's punter Luke Dunne nail the winning field goal. Final score was 37 to 34, Ducks. The Ducks are still shaky in some areas and definitely need to get a wing around those penalties, but overall it was fun to watch the game. 


Sunday, August 8, 2024

September is flying by as did August and even July. Soon we will be facing rain, maybe even snow, frost, and possibly ice at some point. I'm not ready. Today is a very lazy, laid back day with nothing happening at all. I'm going to leave for a while to see if I can get some deliveries done, then off to the store, and on home again to eat, watch TV, and repeat. 

Before finishing this post, I would like to announce Terry's interview coming up on the Spotlight Network with Logan Crawford. We will let everyone know when and where and will probably put a copy of the interview in this blog. 

The interview will introduce Terry's book, In A Blink of Life's Eye. The book is to be released in late September or in October. We will keep you informed of that as well. 

Until our next post, I'm going to end this here. Absolutely nothing happening today besides life. Love all of you. Thank you for reading the blog and keep an eye out for the release of Terry's poetry book. We are working on a website for Terry, so stay tuned for the link to that as well. 

Join us on YouTube and be sure to follow us. Our videos listed there are used to publish in the blog, but let's get real ... a better view of your favorites can be found on our YouTube channel @psychicpoet0188.  

Now, back to our regularly scheduled boredom ...

Follow us for tips on how to keep it happy.


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