Bloomin' and Fumin'
Four days of wonderful warm weather made it feel as though spring was on the horizon. Then came the rain. I guess we need the latter to create the flowers and green, grassy hills. It was nice to have the sun out while it was. Here it is, Sunday again, with rain. Ugh. Work was dreadful with the rain. Getting into muddy areas again while trying to deliver items to homes. I came home to spend time with my husband and the fur babies instead. Tomorrow is Monday and is perfect for me to begin again. Rain or shine.
Without the rain, we don't have blooms such as these of the ornamental plum tree. Blooms make my heart light and happy, as I know spring is just around the corner.
The dark clouds are moving in to take over. What a shame. I was enjoying the warmth of the sun and the lack of having to dress warm. Bring on the flip flops and the shorts!
Our Sportage is running well still. It made the three-day mark without a hitch. I'm impressed. We are now at a whopping 14,000 mile mark. It sure is nice to have her back and operating smoothly. Gotta love a car that runs well. It's the little things in life that make us happy, yes?
Picked up a beautiful bouquet of flowers the other day. One that was so heavy I could barely carry it to the porch. The weight is difficult to see in the photo, but it was huge and came in a large vase, making it have a bit of weight.
Palm leaves, white roses, Shasta daisies, white lilies, and tiny white flowers and white bows filled the vase and the entire front seat of the car. Actually, the fern leaves spilled out over the width of the car seat. I am guessing a hubby really messed up.
Roses in this arrangement are actually a cream color but the sun coming in from the windows made them look yellow.
I'm joking about the husband messing up big time, of course, but this is one lovely monstrosity of a bouquet. Gorgeous and nice but wow.
I get a real kick out of delivering flowers to people. Those who receive them are usually celebrating a birthday or are graduating or have a wedding coming up soon. The smiles on their faces are one reason why I like what I do. There are times when some families have lost a loved one and do receive a floral "hug" and those I find to be a bittersweet delivery. I have no idea what was happening for the recipient to receive such a large, amazing, beautiful bouquet like this, although I wish them well!
Speaking of losing a loved one, I have been fairly angry this week over the sad news that a friend of mine from school is passing. I won't give any information because it's her story and not mine. This is a very personal time for her and her family. But I'm angry because sometimes life doesn't seem fair. I went through the sadness, the crying, the "what is happening?" phase of the process and now it's anger. I won't apologize for being angry but this is a good place to vent. Anyway, it's just not fair to lose such an amazingly good, fun woman who is so nice to others, helps everyone she can, and has an amazing sense of humor, but is passing far before the time one would expect. Freaking cancer!
She leaves behind a daughter who is devastated and friends galore who are in shock. With her in those final days, possibly hours of her life's end, it is hard to imagine her poor daughter's breaking heart and feeling of hopelessness. I have been sending healing vibes and lots of light and love to her and her family. With all the love and healing help I can muster, I do hope and pray she crosses without pain. She will be sorely missed and is beloved by all of us who know her. Her passing is a big loss for such a dark and dreary world right now. That light she shone may be extinguished on earth for those who knew and loved her, but it will shine bright on the other side!
Temporary anger toward life in general will pass as suddenly as it came, I'm sure. I love life and do understand death is a part of life, but I hate saying goodbye and especially to those leaving us too soon. Until we meet one day again, sweet friend, take with you all of the love you have shared with others and the returning love you receive will light your path.
Saturday evening rolled around. I came home after a full day of delivering and saw Terry sitting in the chair outside. He was enjoying his cigar, a bit of relaxation, and his book. He shared his thoughts of going out to dinner tonight. Of course we will!
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brew sounded like a good place to be for an evening meal. Off we went. Arriving in the Red Robin parking lot, there were absolutely no spots open, with several cars ahead of us on the search as well. I hate when a restaurant is that crowded, so I suggested we go to Denny's where we can get a burger if we want. Denny's was our new target.
Country fried steak for me, with hashbrowns and scrambled eggs, toast, and gravy for the breakfast option of the chosen dish. My hubby chose the roast, potatoes, green beans, and eggs on top. His eggs were fried. It was a roast dish with a flair of breakfast too. I did not get photos even, as I was hungry. I did not eat anything for breakfast or lunch today, so dinner was looking and sounding wonderful!
Back home, we sat and watched our show of Two and a Half Men. Wow, the humor in that show is hilarious at times and can be often a bit sexist, but I do find most of it funny. I had never watched the show before and Terry told me he had viewed some episodes, but not all. It's goofy and quite funny, while the comedy follows the main character loving his single, bachelor life. His brother lives with him and his son comes to visit on weekends due to his father's divorce.
Today I worked a bit, but along the way I saw a couple of sights I wanted photos of. So, here's the photo dump of the week. Only leaving a couple:
These two were taken in Winchester, right outside of the main Roseburg area. The river was high due to all of the rain pouring in to fill it for the week.
Not much for the week, that's for sure. I've been working long days and Terry is still working his job. We will leave this post here and leave our memories again next weekend. Until then, we hope you have an amazing week! Please take care and let your light shine! Kiss your loved ones and friends. You never know how long you or they will be on this rock. Life is too short to miss a moment to say, "I love you."
We love all of you and wish you well. Thank you for reading the blog. We do appreciate all of you.
Kit the Birman cat and Togo the Siberian husky
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